I’m browsing a couple weeks ago, and came across this video:
A field FULL of transmissions. Man, it’s a veritable shitload of transmissions. Is this collection still growing? Is this a mounting problem? A planetary disaster waiting to happen?
Perhaps this guy’s just really in synch with his collection... He may have been in the sun too long, a bit unstable, or maybe he blew a gasket, but that’s just my input. Seems to be an almost sealed case after filtering the evidence. But, if his family banded together, mounted an effort, and pumped some energy behind it, perhaps their pressure would result in a clutch situation, and things would run smoothly, almost fluid, if you will. Hopefully they can get this moving before someone passes another regulation.
I mean, what his yard needs is something more than a quick pickup... any dipstick can see that. Unloading that collection would really get his financial wheels in motion, and convert his neighbors to happy campers, versus being so tourqued-off, and switching their pitch to a more pleasant output... before someone throttles him, or chokes him with a length of cable, and winds up in the joint. I know it has me geared up.
I was going to remain neutral about this guy’s crop of transmissions, and not get on his case, but after seeing the video again, and all of those cores parked there, I’m reversing my position. I can’t imagine his neighbors adapting to the situation... they’re probably thinking “Hey Jack, we’re not taking this anymore. We’ve put our cause into overdrive, and calling the housing committee, in the hopes that they'll provide leverage, so don’t get all shifty with us. Property values are slipping! We shudder to think of where they’ll be in a year!”
Foaming at the mouth, they’ll drive him out of the community before things get too low, I’d imagine…. just a matter of pushing his buttons, and getting the county to seal his fate. They’ll have to hire a toploader to get those things over to the rock crusher, and that’ll be a lot of manual labor.
Hey… this stuff won’t happen automatically, you know.
More enjoyable nonsense (and some sense, too!) over at Studio PCK Hot Rod Design.
On sale today: Wed, Nov. 23, 2016. CHEW #60!
8 years ago
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