Tuesday, May 26, 2009


...is defined by Webster's as "skill or cleverness in devising or combining : inventiveness, or: cleverness or aptness of design or contrivance".

It's been a word that has spent an unholy amount of time bouncing a
round in my brain lately. I find it to be a powerful word when applied to our hobby/industry of hot rodding in general, as it's really the backbone of what we do. Consider an engine builder, working to tweak every last ounce of power, Sam Barris chopping the first Merc roof, or the first guy to conceive the idea of using lace to create killer patterns in custom paint. Hell, each day I'm confronted with the challenge of bringing unique ideas to a project, and in some cases, finding ways to stretch a budget, and draw in some wicked little details to set a car over the top. It's a matter of using what's there in front of you (and occasionally what doesn't exist!) in a new or different way, and then getting it all to flow.

A recurring theme here in the old blog has been that of cool details and inventive use of materials on a project, and this entry brings in some really neat stuff. First off, time had shot over some pics of his new, self-made planishing hammer.

Confronted with pre-made units that maybe had the power but lacked the throw he needed, or even vice-versa, he did what any hot rodder might do: He made his own. 

Pretty slick, indeed, and a great illustration of the point here. The human mind is capable of solving problems with amazing agility at times (there's even some grace in banging a sheetmetal panel to shape over a 2x4 when it's in the right hands!), and when it comes to creating tools to aid in work, provide convenience, whatever, it's always cool to witness. 

Speaking of ingenuity, a recent side trek on the web, seeking more info on Sam Barris' Merc led me to a video highlighting a car that's always kept me fascinated (and, amazingly, another Barris-constructed car -- I say "constructed", as the majority of the innovations on the car were those of the owner), the Golden Sahara II, from the ingenuity (see a theme here?) of owner/designer Jim Skonzakis (aka Jim Street). Every inch of this car is loaded with ingenuity, and inventive, if not a step beyond state-of-the-art for its time (this was pre-1962!)... Man, consider that this was the FIRST car to have a TV in it, much less every other technical marvel thrown in. You may know this '53 Lincoln Capri from the Jerry Lewis movie Cinderfella:

or even the old Rob't. Williams "Leadsleds" poster (it's there in the original incarnation, anyway), too! In any event, over on YouTube is the following video... take a peek, and we'll pick this back up in a few: 

How absolutely freaking cool is THAT??!

...and those light-up tires? Dig this:

In the '60's, Goodyear toyed with translucent polymers to create pastel-colored, illuminated tires! More likely than not, they were to be marketed toward women (color matching everything was in fashion, after all), yet the material proved to wear too quickly, and they never made it to market... 

Ponder the thought that went into this car, the forward thinking, the sheer inventiveness... the INGENUITY. Granted, there's a lot of gimmickry going on here, but isn't this car just the perfect illustration of the times? That whole "world of tomorrow" kinda vibe going on, and all wrapped up neatly in a pretty slick custom.
I had shown this to my kids, and they flipped that the car had a TV, a remote... and then they said "they had TV back THEN"? Illuminated tires, whoopie.... TV? Amazing to kids. Go figure...

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